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Quad Servicing

Having regular quad servicing when needed may help you to get the most out of your quad and should not be overlooked when the time comes. Whatever you use your quad bike for, whether farm use, recreational or racing, keeping it in good shape is essential. After all, a quad bike is a large investment and if you need it for work then you rely on it and if you use it for recreational use, then you want it in good working order. 

In between the full servicing of your quad bike, there are of course many things you can do to help keep your bike in good shape, which could perhaps stop serious problems occurring and damage to your ATV.

The nuts and bolts

Between quad servicing, it goes without saying that you should keep an eye on all the nuts and bolts on your quad bike to make sure they are kept tight. Wheel nut tension should also be checked and if you are unsure what the correct tension settings are then you can always check your user manual.

Watch your chain and sprocket

Another point to help keep your ATV in great shape is to keep your chain and sprocket clean. Removing debris is essential and cleaning your bike after each use from day one is a good habit to get into while waiting for your regular quad servicing. You can always use silicone spray on on the chain to help keep it in good condition in between quad servicing.

When it comes to the time for your quad servicing, then here at KIK Quads, we offer a service in workshops that have all the facilities needed. Trained engineers are able to work on your quad bike and undertake anything from servicing to repairing and rebuilding engines to customizing your ATV. We offer either a basic service for your quad or a full service and stock genuine Honda parts to ensure that your quad bike will look as good as new.

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